Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The time I learned to say No at work - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

The time I figured out how to state No busy working - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog It was just my subsequent activity out of college, filling in as a product engineer for a little counseling organization in Copenhagen. I was 26 years of age, wearing formal attire that despite everything felt like a halloween ensemble to me, having gatherings with the clients VP of money, attempting to discover precisely what the IT framework we were producing for their new plant ought to be able to do. The client was in France, and I consistently flew down there from Copenhagen for work and gatherings, arriving in Basel, an air terminal arranged so you can exit into Germany, France or Switzerland, contingent upon which leave you pick. As one of my associates discovered to his cost when he inadvertently left on the Swiss side instead of the French and wound up paying Swiss taxi rates for the excursion to the clients production line as opposed to French. Presently heres the issue: At each and every gathering, the client changes the specs for the framework. First they need this, at that point they need that. First they like it in as such, at that point in that way. Then, Im unobtrusively going insane. Obviously I never show it, God help us, I play the quintessential expert, fit for managing everything. Also, obviously the client is in every case right? So I coolly disclose to them this is unique in relation to what you said at our last gathering and executing the change will be expensive. They simply state sure, yet that is the thing that we need. And afterward, at long last, I lose it at a gathering. They present change number 2883 (by my free reconing), indeed backpedaling on what theyve let me know beforehand, and I snap. I really pound the table with my clench hand, snap my organizer shut and state through gripped teeth No. This cannot go on. This framework will never get off the ground on the off chance that you continue adjusting your perspective at each gathering. We have to settle on choices and stick to them. At that point we enjoy a reprieve. Throughout the break Im remaining solitary drinking some espresso, thinking great, that is the finish of this venture for me. I feel truly embarassed for having lost my cool in that manner. So what occurs next is absolutely surprising for me: They begin rewarding me much better. All the time Id attempted to play the cool proficient that didnt truly fly with them. In any case, when I got distraught, and indicated it, I gave them a portion of the genuine me. I gave them that I was human, and that there were things I wouldnt set up with. Starting there on, they regarded me more and they confided in me totally. I turned into the person they went to first and work on the framework turned out to be considerably more smooth. Go figure! I took in two things from this episode: 1: Dont be reluctant to disapprove of a client Customers trust you more on the off chance that you state no when the appropriate response is no. In the IT organization I helped to establish later, we once asked a client what they preferred about working with us. Their answer That you state no! Our different providers express yes to each demand we have, at that point dont convey on the grounds that its excessively troublesome. You all state no on the off chance that you cannot do it or if its a poorly conceived notion. 2: Show feelings at work Sometimes its an extraordinary thought to show what youre truly feeling. Theres this fiction in the work environment that we come to fill in as reasonable individuals and leave feelings at home. That just aint so we get as upbeat, frantic, tragic, excited, baffled and energized at fill in as we do outside of it. Never demonstrating that isnt bravo. One of the keys to bliss at work is a capacity to state Yes! as I expounded on in a past post. At the point when another thought goes along, when someone requests your assistance or when a colleague proposes another methodology, saying Yes is the thing that moves things along. In the event that all thoughts and proposals are met with a No (or a Yes, however) change turns out to be troublesome. In any case, its similarly as critical to state no when no is the appropriate response. In the event that you cannot state No busy working, at that point your Yes is good for nothing. On the off chance that you work in an organization where Yes has some way or another become the main satisfactory answer, implying that consistence is constrained on representatives, at that point no one is truly saying yes. Theyre not given a decision. Demotivation, criticism and incognito damage are certain aftereffects of this. In the event that you preferred this post Im almost certain youll likewise appreciate these: Get fortunate at work Top 5 business adages that need to go The most effective method to determine clashes at work Much obliged for visiting my blog. In case you're new here, you should look at this rundown of my 10 most well known articles. What's more, in the event that you need progressively extraordinary tips and thoughts you should look at our bulletin about bliss at work. It's extraordinary and it's free :- )Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Quitting Your Aspirations to Retain Flexibility

‘Quitting’ Your Aspirations to Retain Flexibility I recently read a great articled called “The Year I Learned to Quit”, in which the author Christine Bader talks about how important it is to know what and when to quit. My favourite quote in the article is: “I’m talking about quitting before the going gets tough. Leaning out. Not pushing yourself beyond what you think you can do.” She also talks about walking away from her dream job because it wasn’t the perfect fit with the other dimensions of her life, noting “the hours were manageable, but I wasn’t as present as I wanted to be when I was home”. This resonates with me, as the decision to “lean-out” is something many of my coaching clients struggle with, something many of my female friends have struggled with and something I struggled with too. DEFINITION OF SUCCESS: CONTINUOUS PROGRESSION! When I was in my 20’s I was full of ambition: my definition of success was based firmly on continuous progression. Lucky for me, that drive got me where I wanted to be and by the age of 30, I held a reasonably senior role. Five days before my 32nd birthday I fulfilled another ambition and had my first child and the second cherub followed a few years later. I was lucky. I worked in a forward-thinking organisation and my bosses saw the value of retaining a female leader. So for around five years, I had the opportunity to job-share with another female leader. I wouldn’t say my ambition ever went away during that time and I often wondered what it would be like to be in the sort of role that ‘naturally’ came next in my career. I was even encouraged by others in the organisation to keep climbing the ladder. But I knew it would mean giving up flexibility (as I knew it). It was then I took time to reflect on what was important to me and I realised that my personal definition of success had changed. DEFINITION OF SUCCESS: JOB SATISFACTION + FLEXIBILITY I’m not alone. Among my friendship group, I can tell stories of intelligent, successful, highly educated women who, at the peak of their careers decided to “lean out”. It’s very flattering to be encouraged to apply for more senior roles â€" the sort of roles that play to your strengths and potentially deliver a higher degree of job satisfaction â€" but instead of progressing into roles they aspired to pre-children, these women have all chosen an alternative. An alternative offering the flexibility their family needs.  The women I am referring to are women with late primary school (or high school) aged children. DEFINITION OF SUCCESS: TIME FOR A REVIEW What I mean is, when women first start a family and want flexibility, there is an unspoken expectation the need for flexibility will go away at some magic point in time. Perhaps when they’re out of nappies? Or when they start school? Or when they can recite their 12 x tables? Women are led to believe at this magic point in time, they won’t need flexibility anymore and they’ll be ready to pick up their careers where they left off.  However, that is not necessarily the case. A friend, who has a 14-year-old boy,   recently said “He needs me more now than he ever has before”. Another good friend â€" with three teenage girls â€" feels that it’s just as important for her to be around now when they get home from school as it was when they were little. TV personality Jessica Rowe’s decision to leave a high-profile role to “be a more present mother” with her daughters â€" aged 9 and 11 highlights this issue. And I’m not saying the same struggle doesn’t apply equally to men (which it does, and which needs to be allowed to surface for men more often) as Annabel Crabb highlights beautifully in her book The Wife Drought. What I am saying is there are expectations placed on women which are not always manageable. The women I know have chosen or settled for specific roles so as not to feel guilty walking out of the office at 4pm. Roles in which they won’t be expected to attend 8am meetings, or meetings that finish at 6pm, or drinks and dinners with key stakeholders that may keep them away from their families on weeknights. Despite the promises made about flexibility, the expectation in many senior roles is that you will be available to do these things. This expectation isnt always easy to manage when you have school-age children, particularly if your partner (for whatever reasons) is unable to support you. My suggestion? If/when you find yourself in this situation, there is no right or wrong answer. But it is a good time to review your definition of success â€" even if that sometimes means you need to ‘quit’ your original aspirations.   You can also check out the flexible employers that advertise on FlexCareers to  help you find a more supportive work environment. What have you had to ‘quit’ to retain flexibility? About Julie Julie was in a senior leadership role when she had her first experience of executive coaching and it changed her life. She thought her coach had magic powers and left that coaching session with a level of clarity and certainty she hadn’t felt in years. This experience led her down the coaching path. Julie is passionate about helping people achieve positive change in their lives. She is passionate about helping others identify their areas for growth to make the biggest difference to their confidence, career, and/or wellbeing. In addition, Julie loves working with people to stretch their thinking and explore new possibilities. Julie has made some tough choices in her own pursuit of ‘balance’, giving her a first-hand appreciation of how difficult it can be to know what you want for yourself and those around you. Through coaching, Julie helps people take a step back, get clarity about their personal vision, then make changes that will move them toward that, develop the strategies and maintain the momentum to pursue it. Julie is an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and is the current President of the ICF’s SA Branch. To connect with Julie through FlexCareers, click here.  FlexCareers offers a FREE 30-minute introductory meeting with our  FlexCoaches, to help you establish if coaching is right for you.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

5 Common New Entrepreneur Roadblocks that Stop You from Growing a Business - Classy Career Girl

5 Common New Entrepreneur Roadblocks that Stop You from Growing a Business I'm certain you'll concur, attempting to begin an effective business that coordinates your motivation and has any kind of effect, isn't generally as straightforward as individuals some of the time cause it to appear. At the point when you are another business visionary, every other person makes it look so natural yet it's simply not. What Being a New Entrepreneur is REALLY Like? Stop and think for a minute. Business is HARD, isn't that so? Furthermore, it's so natural to get diverted by the pretty photographs on Facebook where it would appear that business visionaries fly to Paris a minute ago, savor champagne Italy and carry on with an extravagant PC way of life from the sea shore. They make it look so natural so for what reason is it so hard for us! I am regularly hustling in my room in an untidy house with my girl going around and dishes heaped in the sink. Thus, I chose to make a development around the REAL encounters of beginning a business. In all actuality, enterprise accompanies a great deal of difficulties. Subscribe on your most loved stage beneath: iTunes Google Play Music Stitcher Radio TuneIn iHeartRadio Sound Cloud 5 Entrepreneur Roadblocks How to Overcome Them We cannot develop our business in the event that we have barricades. Ive unquestionably had a great deal of barriers in my manner, theres only a ton of come up. Along these lines, today I needed to share what I have confronted developing my business throughout the most recent couple of years. 1. Basic New Entrepreneur Roadblock: How Will I Stand Out? How would I stand apart from the opposition? I am reluctant to make an assistance or item in business sectors that are now overwhelmed. It is so natural in the computerized world to get devoured by the various stuff out there. On the off chance that there are others in the market, that is acceptable; you realize it is a gainful market! Switch your dread into a positive makes you think this is conceivable. You have your own qualities, and nobody else has that. Numerous customers come to me on account of my experience in corporate, they realize I comprehend what they are accustomed to and I can associate with them better. 2. Regular New Entrepreneur Roadblock: I Am Afraid I Won't have the option to Monetize I am apprehensive I won't have the option to adapt what I am accomplishing for business. I am worried about the possibility that that I will place my family into monetary vulnerability and not have the option to cover my tabs. Venture out check whether individuals will buy your item. You must be eager to make the flawed stride and spotlight on illuminating people groups problem. Not all that you accomplish will work, you may need to pivot and you may come up short. 3. Normal New Entrepreneur Roadblock: I Am Scared of What Others Will Think I am frightened of what others will consider me. I am going back and forth about putting myself out there. We as a whole have these individuals in our lives revealing to us these things that probably won't be valid. On the off chance that I had tuned in, I would not be the place I am today. Ensure you are tuning in to the perfect individuals, the individuals who can support you. At the point when you request exhortation, ensure you are approaching the correct individuals for guidance. 4. Common New Entrepreneur Roadblock: Technology I have no clue about how to fabricate a site. Does anybody identify with this? I abhor tech. I realize this kept me down quite a while. Nowadays, a large portion of the tech stuff has been made sense of for you. More often than not you can make sense of how to do this stuff for nothing or exceptionally modest. You can likewise re-appropriate the tech, dont let this stuff keep you down. Dont fear it, and do whatever it takes not to stress over the funds. There are straightforward instructional exercises and cheat sheets you can discover. I truly dont suggest burning through a huge number of dollars on your site from the outset, since it will change! My site and my informing have changed such a great amount throughout the years. 5. Basic New Entrepreneur Roadblock: Personal Finances I am terrified that I won't have the option to contribute enough to the family spending plan. A few people develop truly quick, others take as much time as is needed. Start by attempting to live on less. In the event that you have a check, give living a shot half. Here is the thing, when you need to develop you should have the option to reinvest in your business. Start by making sense of the amount you have to make every month, at that point make sense of what number of customers you have to make that. In the event that you need to begin a business you love, ensure you register for our Freedom Workshop.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

TOGAF 9.2 Training

TOGAF 9.2 Training TOGAF Standard 9.2 : A Complete Guide Back Home Categories Online Courses Mock Interviews Webinars NEW Community Write for Us Categories Artificial Intelligence AI vs Machine Learning vs Deep LearningMachine Learning AlgorithmsArtificial Intelligence TutorialWhat is Deep LearningDeep Learning TutorialInstall TensorFlowDeep Learning with PythonBackpropagationTensorFlow TutorialConvolutional Neural Network TutorialVIEW ALL BI and Visualization What is TableauTableau TutorialTableau Interview QuestionsWhat is InformaticaInformatica Interview QuestionsPower BI TutorialPower BI Interview QuestionsOLTP vs OLAPQlikView TutorialAdvanced Excel Formulas TutorialVIEW ALL Big Data What is HadoopHadoop ArchitectureHadoop TutorialHadoop Interview QuestionsHadoop EcosystemData Science vs Big Data vs Data AnalyticsWhat is Big DataMapReduce TutorialPig TutorialSpark TutorialSpark Interview QuestionsBig Data TutorialHive TutorialVIEW ALL Blockchain Blockchain TutorialWhat is BlockchainHyperledger FabricWhat Is EthereumEthereum TutorialB lockchain ApplicationsSolidity TutorialBlockchain ProgrammingHow Blockchain WorksVIEW ALL Cloud Computing What is AWSAWS TutorialAWS CertificationAzure Interview QuestionsAzure TutorialWhat Is Cloud ComputingWhat Is SalesforceIoT TutorialSalesforce TutorialSalesforce Interview QuestionsVIEW ALL Cyber Security Cloud SecurityWhat is CryptographyNmap TutorialSQL Injection AttacksHow To Install Kali LinuxHow to become an Ethical Hacker?Footprinting in Ethical HackingNetwork Scanning for Ethical HackingARP SpoofingApplication SecurityVIEW ALL Data Science Python Pandas TutorialWhat is Machine LearningMachine Learning TutorialMachine Learning ProjectsMachine Learning Interview QuestionsWhat Is Data ScienceSAS TutorialR TutorialData Science ProjectsHow to become a data scientistData Science Interview QuestionsData Scientist SalaryVIEW ALL Data Warehousing and ETL What is Data WarehouseDimension Table in Data WarehousingData Warehousing Interview QuestionsData warehouse architectureTalend T utorialTalend ETL ToolTalend Interview QuestionsFact Table and its TypesInformatica TransformationsInformatica TutorialVIEW ALL Databases What is MySQLMySQL Data TypesSQL JoinsSQL Data TypesWhat is MongoDBMongoDB Interview QuestionsMySQL TutorialSQL Interview QuestionsSQL CommandsMySQL Interview QuestionsVIEW ALL DevOps What is DevOpsDevOps vs AgileDevOps ToolsDevOps TutorialHow To Become A DevOps EngineerDevOps Interview QuestionsWhat Is DockerDocker TutorialDocker Interview QuestionsWhat Is ChefWhat Is KubernetesKubernetes TutorialVIEW ALL Front End Web Development What is JavaScript â€" All You Need To Know About JavaScriptJavaScript TutorialJavaScript Interview QuestionsJavaScript FrameworksAngular TutorialAngular Interview QuestionsWhat is REST API?React TutorialReact vs AngularjQuery TutorialNode TutorialReact Interview QuestionsVIEW ALL Mobile Development Android TutorialAndroid Interview QuestionsAndroid ArchitectureAndroid SQLite DatabaseProgramming ArchitectureTOGAF Stand ard 9.2 : A Complet... TOGAF Certification Program Training (1 Blogs)TOGAF Standard 9.2 : A Complete Guide Published on Nov 28,2019 657 Views Upasana Research Analyst, Tech Enthusiast, Currently working on Azure IoT Data Science... Research Analyst, Tech Enthusiast, Currently working on Azure IoT Data Science with previous experience in Data Analytics Business Intelligence. BookmarkIn a long line of enterprise architecture frameworks, TOGAF is not the first and its unlikely to be the last. But it is one thats endured for nearly two decades, with worldwide usage an impressive feat in todays technology landscape.TOGAF is the acronym for The Open Group Architecture Framework and it was developed by The Open Group, a not-for-profit technology industry consortium that continues to update and reiterate the TOGAF.This article will focus on familiarizing beginners with TOGAF and the following is the outline of this article;Understanding enterprise architectureWhat is Architecture in the Context of TOGAF?What Kind of Architecture Does TOGAF Deal With?TOGAF history and factsThe TOGAF approach to EAFsArchitecture Development MethodDeliverables, Artifacts, and Building BlocksEnterprise ContinuumArchitecture RepositoryEstablishing and Maintaining an Enterprise Architecture CapabilityEstablishing the Architecture Capability as an Operational EntityThe Open Group CertificationsBenefits of using TOGAFUsing TOGAF with Other FrameworksTOGAF Document Categorization ModelSuccess and CriticismUnderstanding enterprise architectureTOGAF is an architecture framework The Open Group Architecture Framework. TOGAF provides the methods and tools for assisting in the acceptance, production, use, and maintenance of an enterprise architecture. It is based on an iterative process model supported by best practices and a re-usable set of existing architecture assets.Enterprise architecture refers to the holistic view and approach of software and other technology across an entire comp any, or enterprise.Typically, enterprise architecture isnt just a structure for organizing all sorts of internal infrastructures. Instead, the goal is to provide real solutions to business needs through analyzing, designing, planning and implementing the right technology in the right ways.What is Architecture in the Context of TOGAF?ISO/IEC 42010:2007 defines architecture as: The fundamental organization of a system, embodied in its components, their relationships to each other and the environment, and the principles governing its design and evolution. TOGAF embraces but does not strictly adhere to the given terminology. In TOGAF, architecture has two meanings depending upon the context:A formal description of a system, or a detailed plan of the system at component level to guide its implementationThe structure of components, their inter-relationships, and the principles and guidelines governing their design and evolution over timeIn TOGAF you, basically, endeavour to strike a balan ce between promoting the concepts and terminology ensuring that your usage of said terms is consistent with the standard and retaining other commonly accepted terminology that is familiar to the majority of the TOGAF readership.What Kind of Architecture Does TOGAF Deal With?There are four architecture domains that are commonly accepted as subsets of overall enterprise architecture, all of which TOGAF is designed to support:TheBusiness Architecturedefines the business strategy, governance, organization, and key business processes.TheData Architecturedescribes the structure of an organizations logical and physical data assets and data management resources.TheApplication Architectureprovides a blueprint for the individual application systems to be deployed, their interactions, and their relationships to the core business processes of the organization.TheTechnology Architecturedescribes the logical software and hardware capabilities that are required to support the deployment of busine ss, data, and application services. This includes IT infrastructure, middleware, networks, communications, processing, standards, etc.More and more, enterprise architecture also encompasses additional business needs like business process management and data analytics. The goal of organized enterprise architecture, then, is to successfully execute business strategy with efficiency, efficacy, agility, and security.If all this sounds like it can be complicated designing and implementing a clear, long-term solution to all enterprise software in a way that solves business needs its because it is. Thats why enterprise architecture frameworks (EAFs) started emerging informally and formally, as long as five decades ago.TOGAF history and factsAs a subset of computer architecture, enterprise architecture as a field dates back to the mid-1960s. IBM among other companies and universities spearheaded some explicit ways to build enterprise architecture, knowing that all the pieces involved to r un on a network are complicated.Over the next few decades, technology only became more complicated: today, most companies, regardless of size or product, utilize the internet to make their business processes easier, quicker, and sometimes more transparent. Today, enterprise architecture is a necessary process to make sense of various hardware and software options, on-premise and in the cloud, and to ensure security when sharing data across multiple platforms.The TOGAF was initially developed in 1995. As was common in the field of enterprise architecture by then, newer versions or models offered improved iterations and theories. Likewise, TOGAF took a lot of inspiration from the U.S. Department of Defenses own EAF, called the Technical Architecture Framework for Information Management, or TAFIM for short. Interestingly, the USDoD stopped using the TAFIM within a couple of years of the emergence of TOGAF. Still, TOGAF implementation and success continues worldwide today, more than 20 years later.The TOGAF approach to EAFsThe Open Groupdefinesthe TOGAF as the de facto global standard for enterprise architecture. The framework is intended to help enterprises organize and address all critical business needs through four goals:Ensuring all users, from key stakeholders to team members, speak the same language. This helps everyone understand the framework, content, and goals in the same way and gets the entire enterprise on the same page, breaking down any communication barriers.Avoiding being locked-in to proprietary solutions for enterprise architecture. As long as the company is using the TOGAF internally and not towards commercial purposes, the framework is free.Saving time and money and utilizing resources more effectively.Achieving a demonstrable return on investment (ROI).3 Pillars of TOGAFIf the four goals are the theoretical outcome of using TOGAF, then the three pillars are the way to achieve the goals. These pillars help create a systematic process to organ ize and put software technology to use in a structured way that aligns with governance and business objectives. Because software develop relies on collaboration across various business departments inside and outside of IT, TOGAFs goal of speaking the same language encourages and assists the various stakeholders to get on the same page, something that may not otherwise happen in business environments.The TOGAF is divided intothree main pillars:Enterprise architecture domains.These divide the architecture into four key areas:Business architecture,which defines business strategy and organization, key business processes, and governance and standards.Applications architecture,which provides a blueprint for deploying individual systems, including the interactions among application systems as well as their relationships to essential business processes.Data architecture,which documents the structure of logical and physical data assets and any related data management resources.Technical arch itecture(also known as technology architecture), which describes the hardware, software, and network infrastructure necessary to support the deployment of mission-critical applications.Architecture Development Model(ADM). This iterative cycle uses performance engineering to develop an actual enterprise architecture. Importantly, it can be customized to the enterprises needs, so its not a one-size-fits-all approach. Once an architecture is developed, the enterprise can roll it out to all teams or departments in iterative cycles, ensuring minimal errors and further helping the company communicate cohesively.Enterprise Continuum.This classification system tracks architecture solutions on a range, starting at generic, industry-standard options and including customized enterprise-specific solutions.Proponents say thatADM is the heart of TOGAF its this pillar that makes TOGAF both very effective and a standout from other frameworks. The Architecture Development Method offers eight steps a s guidance to figure out where the enterprise currently is and determine where the enterprise wants and needs to be in each of the four enterprise architecture domains.Once business processes are established through the entire lifecycle, the ADM helps the enterprise identify the gaps between current status and long-term goals, and then collates these gaps into smaller actionable and understandable packages that the team can then implement.Two other areas are sometimes included in TOGAFs main pillars: TOGAF certified tools and qualifications.Architecture Development MethodThe TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) provides a tested and repeatable process for developing architectures. The ADM includes establishing an architecture framework, developing architecture content, transitioning, and governing the realization of architectures.All of these activities are carried out within an iterative cycle of continuous architecture definition and realization that allows organizations to transform their enterprises in a controlled manner in response to business goals and opportunities.Phases within the ADM are as follows:ThePreliminary Phasedescribes the preparation and initiation activities required to prepare to meet the business directive for new enterprise architecture, including the definition of an Organization-Specific Architecture framework and the definition of principles.PhaseA: Architecture Visiondescribes the initial phase of an architecture development cycle. It includes information about defining the scope, identifying the stakeholders, creating the Architecture Vision, and obtaining approvals.PhaseB: Business Architecturedescribes the development of a Business Architecture to support an agreed Architecture Vision.PhaseC: Information Systems Architecturesdescribes the development of Information Systems Architectures for an architecture project, including the development of Data and Application Architectures.PhaseD: Technology Architecturedescribes the development of the Technology Architecture for an architecture project.PhaseE: Opportunities Solutionsconducts initial implementation planning and the identification of delivery vehicles for the architecture defined in the previous phases.PhaseF: Migration Planningaddresses the formulation of a set of detailed sequence of transition architectures with a supporting Implementation and Migration Plan.PhaseG: Implementation Governanceprovides architectural oversight of the implementation.PhaseH: Architecture Change Managementestablishes procedures for managing change to the new architecture.Requirements Managementexamines the process of managing architecture requirements throughout the ADM.Deliverables, Artifacts, and Building BlocksArchitects executing the ADM will produce a number of outputs as a result of their efforts, such as process flows, architectural requirements, project plans, project compliance assessments, etc. The TOGAF Architecture Content Framework (see Part IV,Introdu ction) provides a structural model for architectural content that allows major work products to be consistently defined, structured, and presented.The Architecture Content Framework uses the following three categories to describe the type of architectural work product within the context of use:Adeliverableis a work product that is contractually specified and in turn, formally reviewed, agreed, and signed off by the stakeholders. Deliverables are basically the output of projects in documentation form. It is typically archived at the completion of a project or moved into an Architecture Repository as a reference model, for the Architecture Landscape at a point in time.Anartefactis a more granular architectural work product. It describes an architecture from a specific point of view. For instance, a network diagram, a server specification, a use-case specification, a list of architectural requirements, or a business interaction matrix. An artefact is generally classified as;a catalogue or a list of thingsmatrices depicting relationships between thingsdiagramsAn architectural deliverable may contain many artefacts and artefacts will form the content of the Architecture Repository.Abuilding blockrepresents a potentially re-usable component of the business. It could refer to IT, or architectural capability that can be combined with other similar building blocks to deliver solutions. Hence, these building blocks can be defined at various levels of detail, depending on what stage of architecture development has been reached.Architecture Building Blocks (ABBs)typically describe the required capability and shape the specification of Solution Building Blocks (SBBs). For example, a customer services capability may be required within an enterprise, supported by many SBBs, such as processes, data, and application software.Solution Building Blocks (SBBs)represent components that will be used to implement the required capability. For example, a network is a building block tha t can be described through complementary artefacts and then put to use to realize solutions for the enterprise.Enterprise ContinuumTOGAF includes the concept of the Enterprise Continuum, which sets the broader context for an architect and explains how generic solutions can be leveraged and specialized in order to support the requirements of an individual organization. The Enterprise Continuum is a view of the Architecture Repository that provides methods for classifying architecture and solution artefacts as they evolve from generic Foundation Architectures to Organization-Specific Architectures. The Enterprise Continuum comprises two complementary concepts: the Architecture Continuum and the Solutions Continuum. Architecture RepositorySupporting the Enterprise Continuum is the concept of an Architecture Repository which can be used to store different classes of architectural output at different levels of abstraction, created by the ADM. In this way, TOGAF facilitates understanding and co-operation between stakeholders and practitioners at different levels.By means of the Enterprise Continuum and Architecture Repository, architects are encouraged to leverage all other relevant architectural resources and assets in developing an Organization-Specific Architecture.In this context, the TOGAF ADM can be regarded as describing a process lifecycle that operates at multiple levels within the organization, operating within a holistic governance framework and producing aligned outputs that reside in an Architecture Repository. The Enterprise Continuum provides a valuable context for understanding architectural models: it shows building blocks and their relationships to each other, and the constraints and requirements on a cycle of architecture development.The major components within an Architecture Repository are as follows:TheArchitecture Metamodeldescribes the organizationally tailored application of an architecture framework, including a metamodel for architecture c ontent.TheArchitecture Capabilitydefines the parameters, structures, and processes that support governance of the Architecture Repository.TheArchitecture Landscapeshows an architectural view of the building blocks that are in use within the organization today (e.g., a list of the live applications). The landscape is likely to exist at multiple levels of abstraction to suit different architecture objectives.TheStandards Information Base(SIB) captures the standards with which new architectures must comply, which may include industry standards, selected products and services from suppliers, or shared services already deployed within the organization.TheReference Libraryprovides guidelines, templates, patterns, and other forms of reference material that can be leveraged in order to accelerate the creation of new architectures for the enterprise.TheGovernance Logprovides a record of governance activity across the enterprise.Establishing and Maintaining an Enterprise Architecture Capabili tyIn order to carry out the architectural activity effectively within an enterprise, it is necessary to put in place an appropriate business capability for architecture, through organization structures, roles, responsibilities, skills, and processes. Establishing the Architecture Capability as an Operational EntityBarring architecture capabilities set up to purely support change delivery programs, it is increasingly recognized that a successful enterprise architecture practice must sit on a firm operational footing. In effect, an enterprise architecture practice must be run like any other operational unit within a business; i.e., it should be treated like a business. To this end, and over and above the core processes defined within the ADM, an enterprise architecture practice should establish capabilities in the following areas: Financial ManagementPerformance ManagementService ManagementRisk ManagementResource ManagementCommunications and Stakeholder ManagementQuality ManagementSup plier ManagementConfiguration ManagementEnvironment ManagementCentral to the notion of operating an ongoing architecture is the execution of well-defined and effective governance, whereby all architecturally significant activity is controlled and aligned within a single framework.The Open Group CertificationsThe Open Group offerstwo certificationsfor individuals: the first level is known as the Foundation, teaching basic tenets of enterprise architecture and rolling out TOGAF, and Level 2 Certified involves business analysis and application. The Open Group also certifies tools that align with TOGAF from eight organizations.Benefits of using TOGAFThe benefits of ADM are that it is customizable to organizational need theres no need to create a structure that doesnt serve your business. These smaller packages are also scalable, so if one team rolls it out, it can successfully be rolled out to other teams without much tweaking. This helps the enterprise establish a process with multipl e checkpoints so that there are few errors the wider the architecture is implemented.There can also be benefits to individuals who certify in TOGAF. A study of industry employees indicates that enterprise architects, software architects, and IT directors, among others, who choose to earn a certification in TOGAF often see an average yearly pay bump of $10,000 $20,000 over similarly placed colleagues who arent certified.Some experts in enterprise architecture point out that while TOGAF may appear very logical, its actually quite a shakeup to traditionally educated technology consultants today but perhaps this will change has TOGAF adoption continues along steadily.As governance has become an increasingly visible requirement for organizational management, the inclusion of governance within TOGAF aligns the framework with current business best practice and also ensures a level of visibility, guidance, and control that will support all architecture stakeholder requirements and obligat ions.The benefits of architecture governance include: Increased transparency of accountability, and informed delegation of authorityControlled risk managementProtection of the existing asset base through maximizing re-use of existing architectural componentsProactive control, monitoring, and management mechanismsProcess, concept, and component re-use across all organizational business unitsValue creation through monitoring, measuring, evaluation, and feedbackIncreased visibility supporting internal processes and external parties requirements; in particular, increased visibility of decision-making at lower levels ensures oversight at an appropriate level within the enterprise of decisions that may have far-reaching strategic consequences for the organizationGreater shareholder value; in particular, enterprise architecture increasingly represents the core intellectual property of the enterprise studies have demonstrated a correlation between increased shareholder value and well-gover ned enterprisesIntegrates with existing processes and methodologies and complements functionality by adding control capabilitiesUsing TOGAF with Other FrameworksTwo of the key elements of any enterprise architecture framework are:A definition of the deliverables that the architecting activity should produceA description of the method by which this should be doneWith some exceptions, the majority of enterprise architecture frameworks focus on the first of these the specific set of deliverables and are relatively silent about the methods to be used to generate them (intentionally so, in some cases).Because TOGAF is a generic framework and intended to be used in a wide variety of environments, it provides a flexible and extensible content framework that underpins a set of generic architecture deliverables.As a result, TOGAF may be used either in its own right, with the generic deliverables that it describes; or else these deliverables may be replaced or extended by a more specific set, defined in any other framework that the architect considers relevant.In all cases, it is expected that the architect will adapt and build on the TOGAF framework in order to define a tailored method that is integrated into the processes and organization structures of the enterprise. This architecture tailoring may include adopting elements from other architecture frameworks, or integrating TOGAF methods with other standard frameworks, such as ITIL, CMMI, COBIT, PRINCE2, PMBOK, and MSP.As a generic framework and method for enterprise architecture, TOGAF also complements other frameworks that are aimed at specific vertical business domains, specific horizontal technology areas (such as the likes of security or manageability), or specific application areas (the likes of e-Commerce).TOGAF Document Categorization ModelA TOGAF document categorization model exists to structure the release management of the TOGAF specification. It is not intended to serve as an implementation guide for practitioners.Within the model, the content of the TOGAF document is categorized according to the following four categories:TOGAF Coreconsists of the fundamental concepts that form the essence of TOGAF.TOGAF Mandatedconsists of the normative parts of the TOGAF specification. These elements of TOGAF are central to its usage and without them the framework would not be recognizably TOGAF. Strong consideration must be given to these elements when applying TOGAF.TOGAF Recommendedconsists of a pool of resources that are specifically referenced in TOGAF as ways in which the TOGAF Core and Mandated processes can be accomplished (e.g., the SEI Architecture Trade-Off Analysis Method or business scenarios).TOGAF Supportingconsists of additional resources that are not referenced in the other three TOGAF categories itself but provide valuable assistance.Success and CriticismAccording to the Open Group, TOGAF is employed in more than 80 per cent of Global 50 companies and more than 60 per cent of Fortune 500 companies. Though criticism of the framework is often that it is too complicated or theoretical to be applicable, it seems that plenty of companies are using the structure.Companies who have successfully implemented the framework admit that failings do happen because this frameworkcannot be a cure-all for enterprise issues. While the issue can be TOGAF principles or the enterprise architecture itself, others argue that sometimes key stakeholders and C-level management dont always take the time to set up important factors, such as key performance indicators (KPIs), to make the architecture team successful.This lack of complete buy-in may sometimes be due to the complicated nature of this framework when looked at in its entirety. Indeed, even when the framework feels overwhelming, the best advice may be to pick what works best for your company.One must understand that TOGAF is no miracle tool. But it definitely can provide structure to help teams and upper-level managemen t from having to reinvent the wheel each time the company wants to incorporate new technology.Many understand that TOGAF is a work in progress marked by new releases every few years. Even sceptics of TOGAFand enterprise architecture frameworks, in general, find that the applied use of TOGAF is often successful simply because it is better than doing nothing.When companies want to jump on board a new technology, it often requires building out the right tech team from scratch and then tracking down all sorts of data. It gets messy and the rapid pace that technology shifts and improves, these requests occur a lot more often than they used to. This can explain, in part, the bustling IT and architecture teams that are always busy yet somehow always seem behind.As its widespread use indicates, TOGAF can help enterprises of any size and any industry but those who employ it are probably best served by understanding its pros and cons first, and then applying the parts that make particular sense for their own company. Edureka offers theTOGAF 9.2 Certification;TOGAF Foundation (Level 1) and TOGAF Certified (Level 2)that gives you access to instructor-led, live online classes with high-quality, learning content accredited by The Open Group and designed byindustry experts.Recommended videos for you Design Patterns:Tailor-made Solutions for Software Development Watch Now Design Patterns : Tailor Made Solutions for Software Development Watch Now Design Patterns : The Ultimate Blueprint for Software Watch Now Design Patterns: Solution to Software Design Problems Watch Now Design Patterns : The Ultimate Blueprint for Software-I Watch NowRecommended blogs for you TOGAF Standard 9.2 : A Complete Guide Read Article Important Java Design Patterns You Need to Know About Read Article Design Pattern Exposed: Strategy Pattern Read Article Design Pattern Exposed: Factory Pattern Read Article Comments 0 Comments Trending Courses in Systems Architecture Design Patterns Certificatio n Training3k Enrolled LearnersWeekend/WeekdaySelf Paced Reviews 5 (1100)

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Resumes and The Who and How of the Candidate

Resumes and The Who and How of the Candidate Recently I read an interestingblog titled Resumes Are Out! Although I agree that a well written resume does focuson what a candidateswork experience, achievements and education are,I have to disagree thatthehow of the candidate is totally absent in aresume. Or should I say in my resumes? All of my resumesinclude details of my clients hard skills, (the what) but also included is theirsoft skills (thehow). How they interact with others, perform in a team environment, deal with customers and solve problems.Excerpts from two of my clients resumes are as follows: Highly-successful, results-driven, well-respected senior business driver who establishes the foundations for operational excellence and outperforms the competition. Customer focused, devises and delivers solutions, change agent, visionary, capable of critically analyzing the market and responding to diverse issues. Thrives on challenges and working in a fast-paced environment. Articulate, tactful and diplomatic communicator, fearless net worker, who builds productive rapport with persons of all levels and cultures. Hands-on team leader, mentor and motivator. Identifies teams dynamics for operational excellence and instils confidence in all stakeholders to succeed and deliver. Dedicated, empathic and challenge driven leader with an outstanding record of providing exemplary work within a structured and fiscally responsible environment. Exudes energy and confidence to excel and motivate, builds profitable rapport with senior management, peers, staff, clientele and other stakeholders. Project and goal oriented; recognized for providing the tools for staff to deliver and succeed. Patient and methodical; reviews projects and issues with respect to viability, theoretically and academically. Articulate and effective communicator in three languages: English, Italian and Spanish. The who is not as easy to write but that is what an interview is for, not a resume! A professionally written resume has one purpose and that is to entice the reader to call you for ajob interview. At that time the hiring professional has received a detailed what and how background of the potential candidate and is impressed with the candidates achievements and qualifications andhas the opportunity to discover who (attitude, values, beliefs) thecandidateis. Most professional hiring processes involve aseries of interviews and, although my resumes are exceptional, I have not had a clienthired without any further due dilengence other than the perusal of their resume. No one is expecting, regardless of how well written it is, that words alone could possibly be enough informationtohire an employee. As a Professional Certified Resume Writer, many of my closest colleagues are Executive Recruiters and I can assure you that anenticing resumeis a key factor in sourcing anypotential candidate for a position.